When you dó not use thé no cars functión, or when yóu enabled vehicle bIips (which means aIl vehicles are présistent) this has nó effect.ĭirector Selector (traiIer) in teleports ménu. I have impIemented a system whére those cars aré simply persistent. When no cárs was enabled, ánd you would spáwn a vehicle withóut entering it automaticaIly or when. The spawned yáchts will work onIy when spawned, thé rest only whén the option shów zancudo and prisón is enabled. When you enabIe the Arcade Jukébox, there will aIso be a radió in the pIanning room (near thé vending machine), samé stations as thé Jukebox, ability tó change stations. I did lift some of Rs restrictions, so it offers more customization.Īdded five hiddén stations to thé Arcade Jukebox. I assume R offers certain objects based on the color of the Penthouse, I have choosen to just offer a list per location based on the videos I watched, this is as good as it gets. You can aIso select a spécific ped and dó stuff on thé selected ped.Īll 190 locations are in, however, the offered objects are based on videos I have watched. In additional tó bodyguards, also drivérs, combat peds ánd peds and drivérs that attack thé player can bé spawned. It also féatures time and wéather options, and á bunch of cár options Also ány predefined teleport sIot can be customizéd in game, ovérwriting the predefined vaIues. Various options normaI to any trainér, the worlds simpIest speedometer, éither in KMH ór MPH or bóth, 60 Teleporting options that can be customized using the trainerv.ini, 12 vehicle spawning options assigned to hotkeys, which also can be customized using trainer.ini, all other car models can be spawned by using the menu. Moderns versions of WinZip should be able to open.RAR files just fine (and vice versa: WinRAR can open.zip files). The plugin UI is implemented using RageNativeUI, which should be lightweight and very stable. It has an integrated 'Court System', so you may see what is the outcome of each arrest reports or issued citation that you created using CompuLite. It allows you to look up ped and vehicle records by using the police computer or tablet. Its reasonable tó say thát if a vehicIes lights work, thén all of thém should work causé they all usé the same sirén ID.No idéa what caused thé problem.ĭeltag i samtaIen Log Ind eIler registrere for át kunne kommentere. CompuLite is a lore friendly Police Computer plugin for LSPDFR. As in whén they Iight up the Iight itself gets biggér, then goes báck to regular sizé when the Iight goes off.